Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rio Jean Photography - Snoqualmie, WA {Hyak!)

She is thrilled!Rio-jean-Snoqualmie-Pass-WA-Kent-Area-Photographer
A little disappointing today, the weather was overcast! I was thinking we would still be able to get some beautiful shots, but,  a gorgeous landscape in oranges, yellows, and reds, is just not the same when its all cloudy and dreary!  However, I did have a good time with my fellow photog and her kiddos, and of course, Rio  had a chance to run free, play with other kids her age…and have her mom shove a camera in her face, again! (see the picture above)  Did I mention, trying to photograph kids with BOTH adults behind the camera, is like trying to wrangle wiener dogs!???  But, all was not lost, I was did find a super cool place for pictures! If you are up for a drive to Hyak, message me! I have the perfect spot!
Hanging out on the step stool, enjoying her snack!
Max and Rio

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