Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rio Jean Photography Kent, WA {Mother's Day Mini's}

This is the year that you will give the mom's in your life, yourself included, a gift that will last a lifetime.

Moms, when is the last time you had a picture with your children? I know some moms, myself included, will say, "Oh, I'm too fat or I don't look the way I want to" and bow out of pictures.  When will you ever look the way you want?  By that time, will you be too old? Will your children be grown?  Will your new excuse be "I look old, I have too many wrinkles"?

The time is NOW. Stop waiting for the "perfect moment" to exist in photographs for your children, exist in them NOW!  Life is so short, and you don't to look back and say "I wish I would have been in that picture".

I have no pictures of myself and my mom while I was growing up, I wish I did. I wish I saw how my mom was back then. Even if she thought she was overweight, I still see her as BEAUTIFUL! She's my mom and I want that memory of her for myself and my daughter.

Moms be present in pictures, leave an image of yourself  for your children and  future generations.  I believe every woman deserves at least one beautiful picture of herself AND I believe her children deserve at least one picture of themselves with their mom.

These sessions will be all about a mom and her love for her babies, so there will be no props or fancy backgrounds. Be prepared to laugh, snuggle, and love on your kiddos during the time we are together.  I recommend wearing a simple wardrobe of soft colors such as beige, soft grays, whites, creams, etc.

There are six (6) sessions total on May 18th. The first appointment will be at 9:30 and the last appointment at 1:00.  I am offering these mini sessions for $49 (regular session fee is $130) I will offer session times in the order that sessions are purchased; first come, first served.

Additional Information:
  • Sessions are 20 minutes long; you will forfeit your session without refund if you are late or arrive unprepared
  • A model release and signed photography contract is required.  These documents will be sent via email once payment is received. 
  • A link to your gallery will be emailed to you within two weeks of the initial session where you will be able to make your selections.  You can call me or email me with your order.
  • Galleries will be active for two weeks, at the end of the two weeks, ordering must take place at that time in order to take advantage of the sale price, an order date will be sent with your link
  • Orders that are placed after said timeline will no longer be eligible for the discounts and will be full price
  • Digital image(s) will be delivered via dropbox
  • No refunds, exchanges, or returns
  • Prices do not include taxes
  • purchasing your session indicates agreement with these terms

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