Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rio Jean Photogrpahy - Ft. Lewis, WA Madigan Army Hospital {Birth Photography}

Ellie is the first momma in the Bellies to Babies Campaign to give birth. I received notice on Dec. 17th, the day before Ellie’s due date, that she was going to the hospital to be induced. On Dec 18th, there was very little progress to report; I received word around 12pm that things were just starting but slowly. I headed out at 2:30 to head to the hospital and arrived at 4:20! Traffic, of course, was the horrible that day plus the hospital was on Ft. Lewis so I had to stop at the gate to obtain a permit to be on post. When I arrived, I was standing outside Ellie and David’s room waiting to be let in when I hear “push”! From the time I arrived to the time the baby was born, it was about 15 minutes, I arrived just in time. Watching a birth was such an incredible experience! Even though I had a child myself, I wasn’t able to see everything that was going on, so for me, this was amazing! Ellie was a rock star! She powered through and was able to deliver her beautiful baby boy! If you have never had a chance to experience watching a new life come into the world, I would encourage you to do so as it is truly amazing. Congrats to the new parents and welcome to the world baby Nicholas!

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